Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Thank you for calling Gamestop, where we do NOT have any Wiis. This is Princess, how may i assist you?

I like making cookies. It's true. In fact, I like baking in general. Anything that involves copious amounts of sugar and chocolate is fantastic in my book. Plus, I get to lick the spoon. And the beaters, and the bowls...I definitely like baking a lot more than I like eating baked goods. It's sort of an anti-climactic thing for me, because I make something awesome, and then it just sits here and stares at me for months until I give up and throw it away. On a related note, one of my birthday cake remnants is STILL ensconced in my fridge. I think it resides there as monarch...I'm afraid to touch it for fear it has enlisted the expired eggs and milk as bodyguards. Best to just leave the fridge alone, for now, I do believe.

So Yule/Winter Solstice is approaching. It's the 21st of this month, two thursdays from tomorrow. I'm way excited about this Yule since this winter categorically blows, and I will be thrilled to celebrate its turning point. Unfortunately, since it's cold as hell outside, I will be forced to celebrate it indoors, which seems kind of ... boring. And, since none of my friends here celebrate my holidays, I'll be forced to celebrate it ALONE. Tears.

On the topic of lone-ness, I broke up with Ed. I'm not going to discuss it except to say that it happened, and I still care about him very much, and please do not comment on it on here.

This year hasn't exactly been very *insert good adjectives here* for me. Methinks it's time for a real vacation. I'm thinking I'll hit carnival on St. John this year. Eat a lot of johnny cakes and patties, drink a lot of ting, and get tan as hell while swimming in the ocean. That sounds REALLY good to me. Maybe I won't even bother with bathing suits. Just hike to the secluded beaches and go skinny dipping all the time. Although that will probably lead to some horrible sunburns in all the wrong places, so maybe not. Maybe I'll even take both my weeks of vacation back to back!

Plans for tonight: shower, dishes, finish my S&M courtesan book, try to fix the laundry door that is laying in my kitchen floor, GET WARM.


Michal said...

Well, it probably doesn't sound as fun as the carnival...

But as I have said before, you're more than welcome to come stay with us. You could probably even just drop in, though I think a little notice would be preferable (so we can hide all the incriminating things...).

Also, I'm curious, but do any of you actually visit my blog these days...??? :P

Michal said...

Just wanted to wish you a Blessed Yule, here...