Thursday, December 21, 2006

Ho, Ho, Ho and a bottle of Rum.

Tonight is the winter solstice/Yule. Tonight, the Goddess gives birth to the sun God, and the frozen slumber of winter begins its reversal. Tonight is the longest night of the entire year, where darkness reigns supreme and all the world trembles, anxiously awaiting the sunrise. Tonight is a night for celebration; for warmth, and worship, and lifted voices. Tonight, Night Owls, is the night to wallow in your blessed darkness, to praise the moon and the stars and sing songs about their holy faces. For the Day Lovers, tonight is the night to praise the sun, to burn fires all night long in His memory, and to welcome His arrival in the morning with open arms and smiles.

Solstices are times of rampant magic, or organized magic, wherever your affinities lie. Today, I can feel the power building around me, in the earth and the sky and the wind. It will be a beautiful night, full of wonders and glory untold.

Light a candle for the Sun God tonight, and rejoice in his return. Winter is half-over!!! YEY!

In other news, today I lost my voice. Not completely, but I don't want to talk because it hurts so much, so I'm going with "it's gone". Several other things happened today, and I can't figure them into a cohesive story-line, so i'm just gonna say them. Crazy Mary at the drug store was ringing me up, and she says "So tonight we all dance naked in the streets for the solstice, right?" and I was like "Mary, i think it's a little cold to dance naked. I'm not against it mind you, but it's pretty cold outside at night." She was still up for it though, so if you're out on the streets tonight, beware of old nekkid ladies. Ewwwww.
For the first time in my 3 years of working horrible terrible retail, one of my customers gave me a christmas present! *shocked noises here* Yup, Mr. Rubenstein gave me $50 in a christmas card for being such a nice and wonderful and helpful and beautiful and...i'm running out of praise for myself. Anyway, he gave me monies!!! and I like monies. Moreover, I feel loved. That's a nice fuzzy feeling.
There was something else, but it's gone. /shrug.

I'm gonna go do pagan stuff, voicelessly apparently. Tears.

Merry Solstice, and Blessed Be.


Anonymous said...

Merry Solstice. Sorry I forgot to tell you before you left oh voiceless one.

Michal said...

Not sure if you've seen my other comment, but if you check my blog you'll find a little post for the occasion, and in part for you ;-).

Hope your voice comes back soon, and I hope you've had a wonderful Yule night!

Nikki said...

I'll keep an eye out for the old nekkid ladies. >.< Zomg, they have no mercy!