Saturday, December 2, 2006

Signs point to "Maybe"

Human beings are each a conglomeration of pieces and parts, growing from one simple cell into a physical and mental complexity we dub a sentient entity. In our growth, we are akin to trees. As we grow, we lose things. Pieces are cut away, bruised, shocked into death or disappearance, frozen in development. And as a tree who has lost a branch, or a tree who is chained or chopped or lopped, we either grow around the loss or die from it. By this process we become the people we are; mysteries, great winding mazes of intelligence and physical experience. Herein lies the Individual, alone and One, locked away by walls of scar tissue into a fortress of Self. How do we communicate with others, Fortress to Fortress? Where is the common ground that can bypass the losses, the survivals, the broken growth?


Michal said...

Some would say that all our difficulties with our selves and each other stem from one fundamental assumption: the existence of the self.

So perhaps it is only because we assume that the "self" exists that we then succeed or fail (another assumption). Because we belive in the "self" we are then altered.

But what if the self doesn't exist in the first place? Then what is altered, and what remains the same?

Matthew J. Shetler said...

Geez, Michal, get over yourself.

Michal said...

ha ha... nice.

But if there is no self, then I have nothing to get over :P...

Nikki said...

zomg, michal..../bonk. :P

if you perceive yourself as a monkey, then a banana is an eternal happiness that lasts as long as the banana does. let's face it, bananas are delicious, whether you're a monkey or not. when you've eaten your whole banana, the happiness slowly fades away until you get your next banana. if the bananas are far and few between, then you quickly grow to be one perplexed lil monkey. 'where are my bananas? i know they must be here somewhere! aren't i a good little monkey? don't i get my banana today?' c'est la vie.