Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My Mother is a Fish

If you don't recognize that quote, you're fired.

So today was one of those weird days where waking up takes a real fucking long time, and when I do wake up, I don't have a very firm grasp on reality, and then I'm just weird for the rest of the day. Had to keep reminding myself that I was in public, and should probably pay attention to what the hell I was doing. One of those days where the fabric of social conventions is worn so thin, there were actually moments where I seriously considered saying "screw it" and doing just that. Here's hoping tomorrow will make a little more sense, and find me a little more on top of things.

I stopped having my crazy dreams. Wait, that should be in caps. My Crazy Dreams. They are a genre all their own. The crazy hectic flash image dreams have been replaced by slow paced ones that seem to span eons. Last night's epic was about a flood. In highschool, I had 2 best friends. I was in love with one of them for several years. So in my dream, I was with one of them, and I was in love with her....but it was the wrong friend, and that was so damn confusing, that the rest of the dream weirdness paled beside it. At one point I was battling alien octopuses for control of a boat. That was actually kind of cool, and I think I had some pretty cool fighting moves. Maybe this is a sign I should learn martial arts. I would be sooo bad ass.

Tomorrow I'm going out with mom to some musiccccc. I'm excited. Going out is always fun. But, since I'm off, the plan is to borrow le car in the morning so I can go run errands. This is the list so far:
-sweet sugary breakfast joy
-get schedule
-fishnets or lacey stockings, either or.
-red & green hair dye
-presents for shaun and joe (maybe)
-deliver books to bobby
-grocery shopping, for real food, which will never ever happen. i'll just get cookies, i know it. i fail real life.

This list makes me tired. I apparently mailed Shane's xmas card to Christina, which is really fucking confusing. How did this happen. >.< In the words of Empire Records, "What's with today today???" I'm gonna go to bed, dream some crazy shiznit, and hope that when i wake up tomorrow, I wake up in the right world.

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