Saturday, December 16, 2006

Huggling my feets

here begins the dreaded Week Before Christmas. I will have approximately 0 hours of free time this week. The magic 8-ball answered my "will i get all my christmas shopping done?" with "signs point to no". So here's an I'm Sorry for anyone who actually reads this, since I probably won't post here till after the holidays. Kisses, hugs, and stuff.

1 comment:

Michal said...

Ugh, I'm sorry I haven't commented lately. I was working on my ginormous post which was in 5.5 parts (=six seperate posts). It's taken me over a week I think.

Anyway, I'm at work now, and gettin tired. Still one hour to go but I'm draggin a bit.

I did eat some seaweed salad earlier though, and that was delish!

Anyways, check out my stupendous post. But beware, some of the words and images are crepuscular.

Ha! I did it! Albeit somewhat contrived I guess... ...I'm going to stop this random nonesense now.
