Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Real fast before I go to bed:

Dream from last night:
I'm in the middle east, sort of, which I know nothing about, so this dream was totally misplaced. But anyway, i'm part of an underground plan to take over a neighboring country that is presently being ruled by an evil dictator. But, my home base is in Armenia (dunno where that is, but the dream had it near Turkey). More importantly, it's in the Armenian version of a Chik-fil-a. And the locals dunno it's the base for my awesome plan, so they keep trying to get actual food from me, which is making me angry. And I'm gathering soldiers there and keeping them in the basement or something. But the How of me gathering soldiers, is that I apparently can open a time-space continuum teleportation rip in the universe Thing, between the Armenian base and my hometown. But I can only do it if I'm in the throes of some emotion; really angry, really sad, really aroused... And at one point this guy is like "well that kinda sucks. what if you're not upset or something?" And I just laughed at him and told him that if anyone was qualified for this power, it was definitely me. And there we go.

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