Thursday, April 12, 2007

Triple Excellent

Some of you may not know Yair, in which case, I pity you. Yair is a regular (ie, daily) loiterer in our store. He's a young kid whose mom works in Chik-Fil-A, so everyday after school, he comes to hang out in the store. Normally, this sort of action would be discouraged. But Yair is totally awesome. Yair does such hilarious things as chatter to himself, talk to the demo units, and become morose over inconsequential things. The kid is a basket case, and he is inarguably the best loiterer ever.

So he comes in today...
Me: Yair, what's up?
Yair: I'm having a triple excellent week!
Me: Triple excellent, huh? what's so awesome?
Yair: And yesterday was the bestest day ever!
Me: What happened yesterday?
(we have Marvel vs. Capcom 2 in our demo)
Yair: Well, I was playing this game. And guess what? I'm the number one high score! It's so awesome!
Me: wow...
Yair: there's no memory card in it though, so I have to start over every day.
(Yair turns the demo unit on, and starts to play. This means there are no scores on there except for the preset computer ones. Yair plays it for a while, trash-talking the computer the entire time. 15 minutes later:)
Yair: O man! I'm number 6! AWESOME! (does a little dance)

I hope that, whoever you are, you're having a Triple Excellent week, too.

1 comment:

Jen said...

This story made me crack up at my desk. Triple excellent!