Wednesday, July 11, 2007

" "

I'm taking this down because I'm tired of dealing with the unreasonable crap that my blogging incites. This is my writing, and nobody has the right to censor it or suggest that I do so. And yes, I realize the irony; I'm taking down my blog b/c people keep complaining and giving me bullshit. But I don't want to deal with it, and since nobody is getting the clue that I shouldn't have to, I'm taking the steps to end it now.

I am irritated that friends couldn't just leave me alone, and read my writing for personal writing. I gave you all a chance to hear some of what I really have to say, and I got a lot of crap for it. I didn't read your blogs and then tell you that what you said was stupid, or that something in your life paralleled something in my life, and thus you shouldn't mention it. I respected your personal writing, and I enjoyed it for what it was, a chance to look into your hearts and souls and see something I can't see on a daily basis. I did not receive the same courtesy from some of you, and I think that was very poorly done on your part.

In short, I'm angry and disappointed. Once again my friendship has not been returned with the respect that I was expecting. So, if any of my friends want to talk to me, they can email me or call me. This will not be put back up, and you will not get this chance to know me this way again.

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