I've been working my old research job recently, which means I'm around the general public in a more normal role than customer/salesman. I have more time to observe, and interact in a normal sense, and it has me thinking.
Does what a woman wear affect how you treat her?
I think a lot of women have the idea that clothing choice has a large affect on how they are regarded by the world in general. And yes, if a woman dresses in slutty clothes, it's natural that she gets more sexual attention. But, along the same lines, is she considered less of a human being and more of a sex object? Can a woman be considered both? For instance, does donning a middriff shirt lessen the human regard at the same time that it raises my sexual allure? And if so, why can't it raise one without lowering the other? Is it unheard of for a woman to be a sexual object AND a human being, AT THE SAME TIME? I know how I feel. I'm pretty safe in my feelings on the matter, and I rarely contemplate what other people think about it. But now, I'm interested.
In the same vein, if a woman wears a business suit or slacks, is she taken more seriously by anyone other than herself? Does it REALLY matter? For a man who sees a woman in a halter top and starts acting like an ass, would it matter if she were dressed professional? Would he still treat her the same way if she was "attractive" to him?
There are a lot of preset ideas about propriety for women, and i'm sure men as well. I've pretty blatantly ignored them for a very long time, because it's never seemed like it really mattered. I think I'm treated differently than a woman who is taller, shorter, heavier, older, etc, than I am. It's not fair, but in life that fact holds very little water. There's no way I can win on the age issue. An older woman is granted more respect as a human being than I am. I can't change my age, and I can't change how people perceive me. It's certainly not fair to assume because I'm fairly young, I know less than someone years older than me. Or, for that matter, that because I'm young, I'm more physically able than someone older than me. That's totally untrue in most cases, but still assumed. It's also not fair to assume that because I wear skimpy clothes, that I'm a slut, or that I'm trying to to get sex. I like skimpy clothes, and I look good in them. You can admire me all you want, but you better still listen to me when I talk, or our dealings are done.
Prejudice is a bizarre thing to experience. We live with it every day of our lives, in one form or another. Yet even after 22 years of it, it's still weird, and I can't accept it. For men, it's impossible to imagine what it's like to be a woman. There are some levels of culture that people choose to associate themselves with that thrive on prejudice of all types. However, I've tried to remove myself from most of that, and still, here in the Real World, there's a base level of prejudice that I am forced to experience on a regular basis. And I'm a white woman. One of those strange mixes of European culture that ended in lumping me with a Majority for no apparent reason. But, all I have is sexism (and agism) to deal with. Shit, imagine throwing racism in there too. It'd be a never-ending battle, and it would totally and utterly suck.
The question for you, then, is this: does appearance vastly affect the way you regard and treat people of the opposite sex? (appearance including dress, weight, general attractiveness) And be honest. Anyone who reads this is a friend, so, I won't think less of you for what you have to say. I'm generally interested to know what your answer is.
On a completely different note, there's a lunar eclipse tonight! How INCREDIBLY exciting! It's full moon AND a lunar eclipse! It's going on as I type this, so chances are, if you missed it already, it's too late. Lagrimas para ti. Exciting night ^^
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Yes, appearance does affect the way I perceive and to some extent treat others of the opposite sex. I try to minimize it as much as I can. I will say that although I find a woman attractive or sexy or find that she dresses "slutty" I do not assume that she is easy. Now I will assume that she is comfortable with her body and sexuality and there for be more likely to talk about it without discomfort but I do not assume that means she wants sex or anything of the sort. I take it as another insight to the person. We all use everything at our disposal to help us understand and figure out a person from appearance to speech to body language. Ignoring such things can be as detrimental as making assumptions about them. How a person interprets such things as weight, dress and sex appeal differs based on how they were brought up. I believe I had a rather healthy, open minded upbringing in this area and there for try to treat everyone with respect despite these things. Does it mean that the base hormonal response I get when I see a sexy woman is going to change? No. Does it mean I will try not to act like a horny idiot around someone until I get to know them? Most likely. :)
Speaking as a woman, I think most guys just feel it in their pants...which can be good or bad...some men just have better restraint than others. ;)
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